Patient Info

Your guide to a successful knee replacement journey

Preparing for surgery

Knee replacement is a surgical procedure designed to relieve pain and restore function in severely diseased knee joints. It involves replacing damaged bone and cartilage with a prosthetic implant, allowing for improved mobility and quality of life. With over 10,000 patients to date, we can help you every step of the way.
Initial appointment at Queensland Knee Surgery Clinic:

You will firstly meet our Practice Nurse Ms Jess Houlcroft who will take a complete history of your condition, explain your likely pathway and provide you with both printed and video education material.  You will then undergo a comprehensive consultation with Dr Gallagher who will thoroughly review you and your imaging in order to provide you with an accurate assessment of your pathology.

Peri operative assessment with our Physician:

In order to proceed to surgery, you will likely need to see one of our highly trained physicians for a peri operative assessment.  You will undergo a full health review prior to your surgery to ensure any health conditions are detected and managed and any existing relevant specialists are included in your care.

Pre op appointment:

Once you have received confirmation that you are medically suitable for knee replacement surgery, you will then see Dr Gallagher for your pre operative appointment about two weeks prior to your surgery.  This is your opportunity to ask questions,  sign a consent form and confirm admission and fasting times.

Post operative rehabilitation:

Our patients can choose to discharge home from the orthopaedic ward or may wish to attend the in-patient Brisbane Private Hospital Rehabilitation Unit which can assist in getting you back as close as possible to your pre operative abilities before discharge.

The day of surgery

Brisbane Private Hospital

The Brisbane Private Hospital is a 181 bed private hospital conveniently located at the top of Wickham Tce, Brisbane’s busiest medical precinct.  Our patients can book in for their hospital stay online anytime using an eAdmission portal or we can provide you with a physical Admission booklet.

Your stay

Patients usually stay 3 to 4 nights in hospital for a single knee replacement and a day or two longer for simultaneous bilateral knee replacements.  All orthopaedic ward rooms are private so you are guaranteed a room of your own.  Dr Gallagher will see you usually every morning and evening during your in-patient stay on the ward.

Your post operative appointment schedule

Following discharge from hospital, you will usually be seen post operatively in the Queensland Knee Surgery Clinic by both Dr Gallagher and our physiotherapist Robert Godbolt at 2 weeks and 8 weeks following your surgery. Your final appointment will then be around the 3 – 4 month mark with x-rays immediately prior to this appointment with Dr Gallagher.

Things to consider prior to surgery

In order to minimise any complications following surgery, the Queensland Knee Surgery Clinic takes a thorough approach to all factors which may affect your recovery and we recommend that you consider these yourself prior to deciding on a surgery date.

Good oral health

If you are considering knee replacement surgery, we do suggest that you take the opportunity to visit your dentist and ensure you do not have any dental issues that require attention.


When considering a surgery date, please bear in mind that it is recommended you do not drive a motor vehicle for the first 6 weeks following knee replacement due to analgesia requirements and insurance implications.


We would ask that you do not have any plans to fly interstate or overseas within the first 3 months following surgery due to the increased risk of blood clots in this period.  If you must travel unexpectedly, we can assist with an anticoagulant to minimise this risk.


What if I need dental treatment before or after my knee replacement surgery?

Any dental work should be carried out a minimum of 2 weeks prior to surgery to allow the mouth to heal and at least 3 months but preferably 6 months following surgery to avoid blood borne spread of oral bacteria to the knee.  Patients should have antibiotic cover 30 minutes before going to the dentist. Most patients will receive 3gms of oral Amoxil if they do not have an existing allergy or any other contra indication.

When can I fly following my surgery?

The peak period of thromboembolic complications such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism (PE) following surgery is within the first 10 to 20 days but can occur several weeks or months later. As such, if you are flying within the first 3 to 6 months after surgery, physical and chemical prophylaxis is recommended using compression stockings (TEDs), calf and foot pump exercises, elevation where possible, in flight mobility and use of self administered heparin injections (Clexane) – or if this is not possible – low dose aspirin or an alternative oral anti coagulant (Eliquis or Xarelto).

I can hear a clunking noise after my knee replacement – is this normal?

Yes, after knee replacement surgery, the normal reflex control arising from the nerve fibres within the ACL is lost and the hamstring and quadriceps muscles do not co-ordinate as well as before the procedure, allowing the femoral and tibial components to roll back and forth upon the rigid plastic insert separating them, making this clunking sound. It will usually resolve in time by itself but can be improved more swiftly with some quadriceps and hamstring strengthening and co-contraction and proprioception drills to enhance co-ordination and reflex control.

What are the signs of infection that I should look out for following surgery?

Dr Gallagher prides himself on a very low infection rate however for various reasons, infection can occur.  Signs to look out for include localised redness, persistent weeping from the wound, increasing warmth and swelling, sweats or fevers, increasing pain and / or feeling unwell.  Dr Gallagher is to be notified urgently if any of these signs are present and if this is after hours, his mobile number is printed on the bottom of the post operative notes.

How soon can I return to work after my knee surgery?

This will vary depending on the type of surgery, how you are mobilising, how you are feeling within yourself, and the type of work that you do. As a general principle, knee replacements will require you to be away from work for a minimum of 4 – 6 weeks. For an ACL reconstruction, this might be 2 – 3 weeks and for an arthroscopy, 1 – 2 weeks off work. If you are on your feet a lot at your place of work, these times may well need to be longer.

How long does knee replacement last?

This depends on patient factors including age, activity level and body mass index with a 95% likelihood that it will still be working well in 10 years if you are over 55 years of age compared to patients less than 55 years of age having only an 80% likelihood doing so. With recent advances in implant technology and improved surgical technique, many knee replacements are now expected to last for up to 20 years or longer.

What should I bring with me on the day of surgery?

You will need to bring your imaging, all paperwork, your Medicare card and private health insurance details and something to occupy you while you wait.  If you are staying in the hospital, you will need pyjamas and personal toiletries.

How long will I be in hospital for when I have my surgery?

For ACL reconstruction – As a general principle, for an ACL reconstruction, you may need to take 2 – 3 weeks off work and for knee replacement, approximately 4 – 6 weeks. If you are on your feet a lot at your place of work, these times may well need to be longer.

For single knee replacement – usually for four nights.

For bilateral knee replacement – usually for five nights and we often recommend a short stay in the Rehabilitation Unit following this surgery.

How soon can I drive my car after my knee surgery?

This will be different depending on your specific operation but can be up to six weeks following a knee replacement.  It is dependent on a number of factors including mobilisation and medication and will be discussed with you prior to your surgery.

What sort of x-rays will I to bring when I see Dr Gallagher?

In most cases, we require hip to ankle standing x-rays of both knees and an MRI of the knee in question and ideally, these need to be less than three months old.  Our front office staff will liaise with all new patients to ensure they have the appropriate up to date imaging with them for their first appointment.

Does Dr Gallagher participate in No Gap or Known Gap cover arrangements?

As a general rule, there is an out of pocket cost payable for all surgeries and this is not claimable through Medicare or a health fund.  In some circumstances however, Dr Gallagher may approve a No Gap or Known Gap surgical procedure however this is not normal practice.

Why do I have to have private health insurance?

Dr Gallagher is a private surgeon who operates only in a private hospital.  Without private health insurance, the cost of a simple arthroscopic procedure is prohibitive as patients would be required to pay the cost of the operating theatre and their day bed or overnight accommodation.  Knee replacement surgery without private health insurance can cost an uninsured patient over $25,000.  These costs are picked up by health funds when patients have private health insurance.

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